Saturday, July 30, 2011


            Let me just start off by saying that this might be the second best annual I’ve ever read. My all-time favorite annual would be the first Amazing Spider-man annual that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko did. In many ways I think that helps to explain why this one really spoke to me and why I had such a good time reading it.
            As we read through the book we are introduced to the characters and their team affections. There is a short story, followed by character bios and information on the different buildings and vehicles they use. It all does an excellent job of bringing the reader up to speed on what’s been going on in the six issues prior to the annual. Each of the stories is different as well, which was a relief as the reader. I’m glad he didn’t go the route of simply having each team fight a different super villian and explain who and what they do on the team. It’s much more satisfying to discover those things by reading the dialogue between the characters.
            Art wise Doug is very strong. He has a very simple style that lends itself well to the light hearted parody of the work.  When you use a paired down style it can be easy to make the characters look similar to each other, but Doug manages not to do that. None of the characters seem to be stock characters. They all have a very unique look, which is something I always like. Even when two real people have a similar sense of style there are still things that set them apart. The panels don’t get too boring either. He is always changing the angle, making sure not to repeat himself on a page. It seems many artists simply plant the camera at the characters shoulders and drawing from there up panel after panel. It gets very repetitive very boring. I’m glad to see that Doug takes more care in his work than that.
            If I did have any criticism against the work it would be two things, both of which are more because of my personal taste then through the fault of the author. The inside front cover is a retelling of the first six issue. I’m assuming it was meant to bring you up to speed on everything that happens prior to this issue. I didn’t feel like it did that though. There was just too much information that was skimmed over. Perhaps it’s just because I’m so used to reading long super detailed entries on Wikipedia, but I was unsatisfied with the overview given. The second would be that it’s not the kind of work I’m usually drawn to. I’ve really grown out of superheroes and even superhero parody the last few years. So for me the book didn’t have that great hook of catching me right away with the concept of the story.
            Overall this is a really great comic. It is easily worth 2.50. I think the biggest thing I could say to make you interested in this comic, is that I may not be that into superheroes anymore, but I’m into Monkey Squad One! To find out more info you can email Doug at or check out Monkey Squad Mondays at

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